Lok-N-Blok Stacks Up
- Provides a method of construction that utilizes a broader labor force for installation – not limited to the highly trained technical workforce and can be installed by unskilled laborers.
- Eliminates the restriction of limited heights of construction on a concrete masonry wall imposed by soft mortar joints during a typical work period.
- Encompasses both standard blocks (stretchers) and specialty blocks with a simple one-block design.
- Reduces the potential for jobsite injuries with the removal of the requirements around the mixing and use of mortar on the jobsite.
- Drastically changes the demands of the substructure of a building in that the dead weight of material for a building is reduced through a lesser weight building block.
- Allows the end user, either direct consumer or general contractor, to realize an overall reduction in installed costs through savings in many areas such as delivery costs, labor, materials, and jobsite cleaning, and provides for an environmentally conscious product through waste removal and recycling of all waste products.

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